Email (not required. You can be anonymous if you'd like.) Based on your most recent experience, how likely would you be to recommend The Hired Guns to a friend or colleague? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 is Least Likely and 10 is Most Likely If you don't know, please add a comment in the box at the bottom.Have any issues you've had been resolved within 24 hours? Yes No N/A - not applicable Does the Hired Guns submit multiple qualified candidates that match your requirements? Yes No N/A - not applicable Does the Hired Guns submit candidates who would be a good culture fit for your team? Yes No N/A - not applicable Does the Hired Guns submit candidates within the expected timeframe? Yes No N/A - not applicable Does the Hired Guns set realistic expectations regarding the open positions you have them work on? Yes No N/A - not applicable What is the primary reason behind the rating you provided?What, if anything, could The Hired Guns do differently to increase the value you receive working with them? 23356