What’s it like to work with us?
Focused, Productive and Fun
Access to Top Talent
Companies come to us because we have access to exceptionally qualified, high wattage digital talent. We represent more than 40,000 digital visionaries who have opted into our select talent network. And we’re always on the hunt to bring the best thinkers into the fold. Being industry agnostic has served us well and today we work with every company imaginable that’s looking to either transform or disrupt through technology.
Agile Recruiting Process
We believe that every hire requires a roadmap to find a top candidate. All client engagements begin with a kickoff in which all the key stakeholders (yours and ours) participate. In this session, we work hard to capture a clear picture of your business goals and your company DNA.Then we hand-craft a job description specifically written to attract your dream hire. We then conduct a series of callibration exercises which give us a gut-check on the types of execs who will best deliver against the demands of the role.
The Extreme Screen: Driving for Successful Hires That Stick
First we identify success metrics, then we drive forward with a recruiting “sprint” designed to produce the highest quality candidates. The Hired Guns “Sharp Shooters” invest a massive amount of research to select the best of the best in digital talent. Once a top-tier candidate has been ignited (getting candidates to commit is a process unto itself), we culminate the sprint with a hyper-productive 360-degree review where you meet the top contenders in back-to-back interviews.
What's our secret?
We vet. Boy, do we vet. You’ll only see the few stars that meet our rigorous standards. Each position receives a custom marketing campaign that starts a hand crafted job description that positions your role as the dream job it is. From there we broadcast your position out to via our newsletter, our exclusive job board and social media with a total reach of 100,000+ Digerati.