How many interviews have we seen go south simply because the candidate was a few minutes late? Far too many. As in, a number you probably wouldn’t easily believe. Yesterday, Gadi Shamia, co-founder and CEO of neat calender tool Magneto, posted a worthwhile piece on the value of, you know, actually being on time to meetings.
Each meeting could lead to thousands of dollars in immediate revenue that was crucial to us back then. My day was a constant balance between cramming as many meetings into a day and not being late to any of them. Why? Because, in my experience, being late to a meeting means you are probably 20 percent less likely to close the deal.
While it saddens us that this article needed to be written in the first place, you should still read the rest at The Next Web. And for love of all that’s good and holy, if you’re going to be late, at least let someone know.