Halloween is tomorrow. While you steel yourself for an office filled with Walter Whites, zombies, and Miley Cyruses (Cyri?), why not tell us about the worst boss you’ve ever had? If you give us the most horrifying boss story of all, The Hired Guns’ resume expert will re-write your resume for you. We’ll call you, talk with you about your past accomplishments and current goals, and then give you a resume that’s sure to get you noticed. All you have to do is vent about your jerk supervisor. You know, just like you’re going to do at the bar later.
Be warned: the competition is stiff. The comments from our first post include a stalker, a psychopath, and a serial fraudster. We’ve also gotten email submissions about various nutjobs, creeps, and a few we can’t quite print. Think you can do better?
To get your hat in the ring, just share your horrible boss story. Tweet @TheHiredGuns, post on our Facebook or Google+, drop a comment below, or just email editor at thehiredguns.com. If you win, your resume will get you out from under you terrible boss’s thumb. After all, revenge is the best revenge. But living well is a close second.